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分光装置の原理と実際 Basics of Spectroscopic Instruments 中田 靖・内原 博
FTIRとラマン分光装置は,赤外/ラマン分光法の測定装置として良く知られており,分子振動の解析に用いられ,それぞれ赤外吸収およびラマン散乱の現象を測定する.いずれも,化学構造や物理形態に関する情報が得られ,スペクトルパターンからの化学種の同定や,試料中の対象物質の定量に用いられている.顕微分光を含むこれら両装置の構成と各光学部について解説し,スペクトラル・イメージングの技術についても紹介する. FTIR and Raman spectrometers are well known as analytical techniques of infrared spectroscopy and Raman spectroscopy. Both spectroscopies employed to detect vibrations in molecules are based on the process of infrared absorption and Raman scattering. They are widely used to provide information on chemical structures and physical forms, to identify substances from the characteristic spectral patterns, and to determine quantitatively the amount of a substance in a sample. In this article, the constructions and each part of these instruments including microscopic optical parts and application of available technologies to spectral imaging are introduced. Keywords: Fourier transform infrared spectrometer, Raman spectrometer, Infrared microscope, Confocal Raman microscope, Spectral imaging
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