講座 |
磁気共鳴分光 Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 森田 勇人 核スピン緩和現象はNMR測定の様々な局面に関与している.縦緩和,横緩和などはNMR測定そのものに深く関わる緩和現象であり,分子の立体構造決定に必須なNOE現象は交差緩和によるものである.さらに近年,交差相関緩和を利用した測定法が多く開発されてきている.本稿では,これら緩和現象を統一的に理解するため,半古典的緩和解析法に由来する演算子計算を用いた解説を行う. When genetic information is decoded, many scientists think that proteins play key roles to characterize the living organisms. On this point of view, physical chemistry of proteins has recently been analyzed. Especially, structural analyses of proteins provide the reasons why proteins have their specific physiological characters. NMR and X-ray spectroscopic techniques are powerful tools to solve the structure of proteins on the atomic resolution Comparing these two techniques, NMR spectroscopy has the advantage to monitor the structural changes during physiological reactions. To monitor these changes, many NMR techniques, including stable-isotope labeling techniques on proteins, have been largely developed. In this review, the author will mainly overview these progresses, and introduce the recent development on new highly-sensitive NMR instruments and new spectroscopic techniques, also. Keywords:NMR, Multi-dimension, Isotope label, Cell-free, Overexpression |
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