若手のショートレビュー |
白色レーザーを用いた非線形ラマン分光イメージング Nonlinear Raman Spectroscopic Imaging Using a 加納英明 コヒーレント・アンチストークス・ラマン散乱 (CARS)は,微弱なラマン散乱光を増幅し,生細胞内の分子分布やそのダイナミクスを,非染色・非侵襲・非破壊で高速に可視化することのできる,非常に強力な方法である.本稿では,スペクトルとイメージを取得することのできる,CARSを基盤とした新しい非線形ラマン分光イメージング法について,その特徴と応用例などを紹介する. Coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (CARS) microscopy and microspectroscopy have become powerful techniques for three-dimensional vibrational imaging of chemical and biological systems. Recently, a significant progress has been made of multiplex CARS microspectroscopy, in which a spectral coverage broader than 3500 cm-1 has been achieved using a white-light laser source. In the present study, we have used a photonic crystal fiber (PCF) to generate a white-light laser and used it as the Stokes light source in the CARS process. Owing to an ultrabroadband spectral profile of the white-light laser, a wide range of the vibrational resonances can be investigated. In the present study, we have performed label-free, multi-color imaging of biological samples using multiplex CARS microspectroscopy. Keywords: Coherent anti-Stokes Raman Scattering, CARS, microscopy, microspectroscopy, photonic crystal fiber, supercontinuum, white-light laser, living cell |