


Vibrational Levels and Dissociation Processes of Rare Gas Dimer Ions

吉井 裕
Hiroshi YOSHII


希ガスダイマーは,希ガス原子同士が弱いファンデルワールス力のみのよって結びついたものである.我々は,しきい光電子分光法による希ガスダイマーイオンの研究をすすめてきた.本レビューでは,しきい光電子分光法により観測されたAr2+ の振動準位と,しきい光電子−光イオン−コインシデンス法によって観測された,KrXe+ の振動準位について解説する.さらに,Kr2+ の解離過程について,詳細な解析を行なった結果も報告する.


Synopsis:Threshold photoelectron spectroscopy is a useful tool for measuring vibrational levels of rare gas dimer ions. In this short review, features of threshold photoelectron spectroscopy are introduced. After that, the observed vibrational levels of Ar2+ are described in detail. Explanations for the vibrational levels of KrXe+ measured by threshold photoelectron-photoion coincidence technique are also given. In the subsequent study, it is revealed that the II(1/2u) states of Kr2+ and Xe2+ completely dissociate via optical transitions to the repulsive I(1/2g) states, while that of Ar2+ does not dissociate. Precise analysis of the time-of-flight spectrum for the Kr+ fragment from the Kr2+ II(1/2u) state is also shown. The potential energy curve of the I(1/2g) state and the lifetime of the optical transition from the II(1/2u) state to the I(1/2g) state are obtained from this analysis.

Keywords:Threshold photoelectron spectroscopy, rare gas dimmer, coincidence, dissociation
