


Spectrochemical Analysis in Flames

Kenji Kodama and Kuniyuki Kitagawa

燃焼現象の解析において,分光化学計測は非常に優れた手法である.本稿では燃焼解析における分光科学計測手法とその応用例にとして,火炎の自発光計測を用いた火炎温度の二次元時間分解計測,同位体シフト/平面レーザ誘起蛍光を用いた火炎への水蒸気添加効果の可視化,及び火炎へのLIPS の適用例について解説を行う.

Spectrochemical analysis is established as a powerful tool for elucidation of combustion phenomenon. The purpose of this article is to explain what spectrochemical method is, and demonstrate how to analyze combustion phenomena. Spontaneous emission spectroscopy for time-resolved temperature profiling and isotope-shift planar laser-induced fluorescence spectroscopy for visualization of steam addition effect are reviewed as examples of study. In addition, recent developments in laser-induced plasma spectroscopy named chemical seeding LIPS are surveyed.

Keywords: two-dimensional, spectroscopic analysis, planar laser-induced fluorescence, laser-induced plasma spectroscopy, industrial furnaces
