


Structural Analysis of Proteins
by Pulsed Electron Electron Double Resonance

原 英之,荒田敏昭,植木正二,中村志芳
Hideyuki HARA, Toshiaki ARATA, Shouji UEKI, Motoyoshi NAKAMURA

 Pulsed ELDOR (Electron Electron Double Resonance) method can detect the dipole interaction directly and determine the distance between radicals. We have used SDSL (Site Directed Spin Labeling) and pulsed ELDOR methods in an attempt to study the structural analysis of the proteins. In this report, we applied for human cardiac TroponinC. We labeled two native cysteine residues (35Cys and 84Cys) with MTSSL (methane thiosulfonate spin label) and the distance between these labels was estimated to be 26.0 Å. Furthermore the distance distribution was estimated to be 2.1 Å. Then we prepared a mutant (C35S/G42C). The distance (42Cys-84Cys) and distance distribution were estimated to be 19.2 Å and 2.5 Å.

Keywords : ESR; pulsed ELDOR; dipole interaction; SDSL; TroponinC
