


Plasma and Spectroscopic Analysis
V.Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy and its Applications

義家  亮

レーザー誘起プラズマ分光(LIBS: Laser induced breakdown spectroscopy)はLIPS(Laser induced plasma spectroscopy)とも呼ばれ,オンサイト分析,オンライン分析,迅速分析,in-situ分析, 直接分析等の様々な可能性を持つ有望な分析技術の一つである.昨今の環境保護や産業界における品質管理への関心の高まりが これらの新しい分析に関する需要を拡大させており,LIBSのさらなる進歩を促している.また,レーザー,分光器,検出器等の分光機器の発達および低価格化もLIBSの研究開発の場を拡大させている.本報告では,LIBSに関する最近の研究報告を概説する.それらは,光学的セットアップにおける新たな工夫だけでなく,科学的分野から工学的分野におよぶ多様な新規の分析応用を含んでいる.

Laser induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS, or LIPS: Laser induced plasma spectroscopy) is one of promising sensor technologies with a variety of potentialities, such as online, on-site, rapid, in-situ, remote and direct analyses. The demand for these advanced analytical methods has been exponentially heightened by growing interest in environmental protection and quality control in industrial fields, and it is motivating further improvements of LIBS. The rapid progress of optical equipments for example, laser, spectrograph and photo-detector, and their price-reduction help research and development on LIBS, too. In this report, recent works on LIBS and its related technologies are reviewed. They include some innovations in optical setup for LIBS and novel approaches to various scientific and industrial applications.

Keywords:LIBS, LIPS, Onsite analysis
