Our Mission
Near-infrared (NIR)
spectroscopy is now widely applied as a nondestructive and noninvasive
analytical method in various fields such as food, agriculture,
pharmaceuticals, medical science, material evaluation and so on. Many
symposia and workshops on practical use of NIR spectroscopy are held in Japan. On the
other hand, however, the basic aspects of NIR spectroscopy including the
method for the analyses of observed spectra as vibrational spectra have not
been studied sufficiently yet. In order to develop new technique for
analyzing spectra and to explore new fields for applications of NIR
spectroscopy, a systematic cross-sectional survey of huge databases on NIR
spectroscopy is also urgently required. NIR spectroscopy division hold BOF
meetings at regular intervals and provides information of principle of NIR
spectroscopy, method of measurement, spectral analysis technique and
systematic analysis of accumulated data from practical use. We will
contribute to the further development of NIR spectroscopy from the basic
6th Symposium will be held in Hiroshima in January,
2011. Details will be announced later.
46th Summer Seminar
(Makuhari Messe) September 2, 2010
Past Events
1st Symposium: Cutting-edge
(Nagoya Municipal Industrial Research Institute)
January 30, 2006
2nd Symposium: Cutting-edge
basic research
(The University of Tokyo) January 21, 2007
3rd Symposium: How to
analyse NIR spectra
(Kwansei Gakuin University) January 21, 2008
4th Symposium: NIR research
activities in Tokai area of Japan
(Nagoya University) January 30, 2009
5th Symposium: Applications
of NIR spectroscopy for the safety of food
(Gakushuin University)
January 28, 2010
44th Summer Seminar
(Makuhari Messe) September 5, 2008
Committee Member
Masao Takayanagi (Tokyo University of Agriculture
and Technology)
Mitsuhiro Miyazawa (National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences)
Satoru Tsuchikawa (Nagoya
Yukihiro Ozaki (Kwansei Gakuin University)
Takuo Yano (Hiroshima City University)
Koichi Iwata (Gakushuin
Akifumi Ikehata (National Food Research
Shigeaki Morita (Nagoya University)
Kazuo Osaki (Bruker Optics K.K..)
Shanji Park (Soma Optics, Ltd.)
Contact Address
Masao Takayanagi
Institute of Agriculture, Tokyo University of Agriculture
and Technology,
3-5-8, Saiwai-cho, Fuchu, Tokyo 183-8509, Japan
Tel: +81-42-367-5614
Fax: +81-42-367-5614
e-mail: masaot@cc.tuat.ac.jp
・The spectroscopy Society of Japan
・Japan Council
for Near Infrared Spectroscopy (JCNIRS)
・Asian NIR consortium
・The International
Council for NIRS
Division of NIR Spectroscopy, The
Spectroscopical Society of Japan
The Spectroscopical Society of Japan TOP ・Other