[ update: 23.April.2009 ] |
Activities of Local Chapters |
The Kansai chapter of The Spectroscopical Society of Japan is the largest local unit of the society, consisting of about 200 members in Kyoto, Osaka, Shiga, Hyogo, Nara and Wakayama prefectures. The Kansai chapter held a local general meeting and two lecture/visit meetings every year, and a lecture meeting titled "latest progresses in spectroscopy" almost every two years. Assisted by many chapter members, the Kansai chapter also planned and managed the fall lecture/symposium meeting hosted by the Tokyo headquarters every 2-3 years. (This system will be slightly changed since 2007 fall, because the annual meeting will be reduced from twice to once a year and held in turn every year by Tokyo headquarters and other chapters like Kansai, Tohoku and so on.) Furthermore, the Kansai chapter cosponsored every year a lecture meeting by the Kansai chapter union of the five optical societies, the so-called Kogaku-Go-Gakkai.
As recent important topics of the Kansai chapter, a written agreement of the chapter was established and a web-site homepage (HP) was opened for the chapter members. The chapter rule was not clearly documented in the past, because no problems occurred so far on the chapter activities by following old customs or transferring messages between the chapter secretaries. Very recently, however, a big change appeared in the management system of the society and the situation surrounding the Kansai chapter: a delegate system to send delegate candidates from the chapter to the headquarters has started, and the audit standard for the society activities has become very strict. Then, the benefit of establishing a chapter rule in a written form was recognized by the secretaries and the discussion for the agreement started. Finally, the chapter rules were adopted by an extraordinary local general meeting in 2006 March.
Although there was a strong demand about opening a HP of the Kansai chapter, its great effort and high cost prevented it for a long time. The HP (http://www.ile.osaka-u.ac.jp/~ths/bunko/index_E.htm) was finally opened in the end of 2006, delivering various useful information for the chapter members such as the event guidance.
Events of the Kansai chapter are planned and managed mainly by the secretaries of about 20 persons. They wish to hear the membersf requests and proposals for the activities. So, dear chapter members, please feel free to send your frank opinions or ideas to the secretaries!!
- H.Harima, Kyoto Institute of Technology (harima@kit.ac.jp), head of secretaries of the Kansai Chapter of The Spectroscopical Society of Japan