[ update: 24.July.2009 ] |
Introduction of Divisions |
- Divison of NMR Spectroscopy
NMR is a popular method and now used in a broad range of fields, such as chemistry, biology, medical science, material sciences and quantum computer. The purpose of our division is to promote the NMR spectroscopy and its application by establishing a forum for exchanges of information between academic and corporate researchers with various backgrounds.
- Division of Near-infrared Spectroscopy
Contact Address:
Mitsuhiro Miyazawa,
National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences
2-1-2 Kannondai, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8602, Japan
tel: +81-29-838-7406
- Division of Nanospectroscopy
With the rapid advance of nanotechnology, lots of new fields are emerging such as nanomaterial, nanosensing, nanofunctions, etc. In order to understand the science of light-matter interaction in the nanoscale that could be different from bulk or single molecular scale, our division provides the opportunity of discussions on science, instruments and applications related to spectroscopy for the mesoscopic region. Keywords include spectroscopy, microscopy, nanoscopy, near-field optics, nanobio, nanomaterials, nanofunctions, nanotechnology.
- Division of High Resolution Molecular Spectroscopy
High resolution spectroscopy provides us with very detailed information regarding molecular structures as well as rotational, vibrational and electronic properties of molecules, radicals, clusters, ions, etc. This division is organized by active researchers who are interested in various aspects of modern high resolution spectroscopy. Each year one of the committee members hosts The Symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy where all the contributions are given orally on the purpose of offering the opportunity of an oral presentation to young spectroscopists.
- Division of Infrared and Raman Spectroscopy
Infrared and Raman spectroscopy are now widely used in a lot of fields, such as physics, chemistry, biomedical, pharmacology, industry, and so on. The division of infrared and Raman spectroscopy was founded to provide students and researchers in the widely spread fields with the opportunity to gather together, discuss a variety of topics, and exchange of opinions on infrared and Raman spectroscopy. The Symposium and seminar are held annually to promote infrared and Raman spectroscopy.
- Division of Advanced Laser Spectroscopy
Thanks to the advance of laser technology, the time, energy, and spatial resolution of spectroscopy has significantly improved, and new spectroscopic methods are being developed. The application of new advanced spectroscopic methods reveals various novel phenomena and sheds new light on many fields of science and technology. The Division of Advanced Laser Spectroscopy provides students and researchers with opportunities to get together, discuss problems, and exchange ideas in a free atmosphere to create new science and technology.
- Division of Terahertz Spectroscopy
The Division of Terahertz Spectroscopy was founded in 2005 to contribute to the development in terahertz spectroscopy and related sciences and technologies through providing a platform for free discussion and information exchanges. The Division is also aiming to support young scientists and students in this field. For these purposes, the Symposium on Frontier of Terahertz Spectroscopy is held annually, and seminars and joint symposium on terahertz spectroscopy with other academic societies or groups are organized occasionally. For the detailed information on the up-coming events related to the Division, please refer to the Event Schedule on the Division's web page.
- Division of Living Cells Spectroscopy
Contact Address:
Masaaki Fujii, Professor, e-mail: mfujii@res.titech.ac.jp
Makoto Sakai, Associate Professor, e-mail: makotos@res.titech.ac.jp
Chemical Resources Laboratory Tokyo Institute of Technology
Mail Box: R1-15
4259 Nagatsuta-cho, Midori-ku Yokohama 226-8503 Japan
tel / fax +81-45-924-5250
- Division of Highly-Sensitive Surface and Interface Spectroscopy
Surface- and interface-sensitive spectroscopy has attracted much attention in recent years due to its usefulness in detailed and highly-sensitive analysis of chemical species in nano-scale environment. Such spectroscopy includes surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS), surface-enhanced infrared spectroscopy (SEIRS), sum frequency generation (SFG), and second harmonic generation (SHG). For example, elucidation of the relationship among metal nanostructures, their spectroscopic properties, and SERS of target molecules adsorbed on the metal nanostructures has clarified the longstanding issue of the mechanism of SERS. On the basis of the mechanism elucidated we have now started new researches to fabricate reproducible SERS-active metal nanostructures using lithographic technologies will be developed for highly-sensitive detection and identification of biomolecules and medical applications in the near future.
To push highly-sensitive surface- and interface-sensitive spectroscopy into practical uses we are highly encouraged to join experts in chemistry, physics, applied physics, biological chemistry, and medicine. For such purpose interdisciplinary meetings will be useful in exchanging information on the related topics. Moreover newcomers will feel difficulty in stating research and development using surface- and interface-sensitive spectroscopy and require opportunities to lift the difficulty. Such possible requirement motivates us to organize “Division of Highly-sensitive Surface- and Interface Spectroscopy”.